
第五届中国发展国际学术年会 - 征文启事




当前中国经济正处在结构调整的关键时期,发展的可持续性面临着诸多挑战。经济发展从来都不是一个孤立的经济现象,而是经济、社会、政治互动的过程。与此同时,中国经济的发展也是一个在全球化进程中与世界发展互动的过程。值此大变革、大发展的时代,中国发展国际学术年会旨在汇聚海内外的优秀学者,从理论研究和经验研究两个方面推进对中国发展及其对世界的影响的理解,并以此丰富现代经济学知识。中国发展国际学术年会是上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院主办,中国发展发展研究院和经济系共同组织的学术会议。自2013年7月首届研讨会召开以来,我们已经连续成功举办了四届,累计超过全球400位的学者在会上报告了他们的最新科研成果。每一届国际研讨年会都邀请了若干位国际著名经济学家,特别是在中国研究方面世界著名的经济学家作为主旨演讲嘉宾,先后包括Mark Rosensweig (YALE)、Wing-Thye Woo (UCDAVIS) 、姚洋 (北京大学)、Mathew Kahn (UCLA)、Richard Freeman (Harvard University and NBER)、Scott Rozelle (Stanford University) 、万广华(原亚洲开发银行,现复旦大学)、Mary Lovely(Syracuse University)、周黎安(北京大学)、Diego Restuccia(University of Toronto)、李实(原北京师范大学,现浙江大学)、张俊森(原香港中文大学,现浙江大学)。2022年6月11-12日,我们将在上海交通大学安泰经济与管理学院召开第五届中国发展国际学术年会。考虑到中国经济动态变化,以及中国发展研究的快速发展,自本次会议起,我们将把原来的双年会调整为年会,并在每次年会中举办“中国发展高峰论坛”,邀请资深学者研讨政策前沿问题。组委会诚邀来自海内外的经济学家在会议上报告与中国发展相关的研究论文,主题不限。针对特定主题的一组3-4篇论文可以作为一个分会场同时提交。自本次会议起,会议的工作语言将是中文和英语,并分别设置中、英文会场。会议不收取会务费。除特邀嘉宾外,交通与住宿费用自理。预期在2023年毕业的博士研究生,如果有意申请来上海交通大学安泰经济学院工作,我们也欢迎向会议投稿(请投稿时注明“参会并申请教职”)。如果因为疫情的原因造成线下参会的不便,我们将采取线上和线下同步的方式召开会议。参选论文请于2022年3月15日前通过E-mail发至会议专用信箱ishine@sjtu.edu.cn,并请在标题栏注明“中国发展国际学术年会论文”字样。组委会将于2022年3月31日前通知投稿者论文入选与否的决定。





Call for Papers

The 5th International Conference of China Development Studies


We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the 5th Annual International Conference of China Development Studies (ICCDS) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. We welcome submissions related to all topics in the fields of China development.


The ICCDS is an international platform that is organized by the Shanghai Institute for National Economy (SHINE) and Department of Economics of Shanghai Jiao Tong University. It affords economists an opportunity to exchange details of their cutting-edge research on the Chinese economy. It aims to convoke outstanding scholars to study China's development and its influence on the world, and to enrich the knowledge of economics by theoretical and empirical research on the challenging issues facing the Chinese economy. It is our honor to have had the following distinguished keynote speakers for the past four conferences:


Mark Rosensweig (Yale University)

Wing-Thye Woo (UC Davis)

Yang Yao (Peking University)

Mathew Kahn (UCLA)

Richard Freeman (Harvard University and NBER)

Scott Rozelle (Stanford University)

Guanghua Wan (Fudan University)

Mary Lovely (Syracuse University)

Li’An Zhou (Peking University)

Diego Restuccia (University of Toronto)

Shi Li (Zhejiang University)

Junsen Zhang (Zhejiang University)


The 5th ICCDS will be held on June 11–12, 2022, at Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. To adapt to the dynamic changes of China's economy and the rapid advancement of Chinese research and development, we have moved the former Biennial Conference of China Development Studies to the annual meeting effective with this conference. We will hold the "China Development Summit Forum" during the meeting and invite senior scholars to discuss cutting-edge policy issues. The conference’s organizing committee invites economists from home and abroad to present their research papers. If the ICCDS offline meeting cannot be held all in-person due to COVID-19 restrictions, we will hold the meeting online and offline simultaneously.



All subjects are welcome, and priority will be given to research works relating to China’s economic development, e.g., policies as well as social and political structures. A proposal for an organized session with a specific topic and three to four papers is also welcome. Ph.D. candidates who will graduate in 2023 are also welcome to submit contributions to the conference, if they are interested in applying to work in Antai College of Economics and Management, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. (Please send a short letter for notice with the submission.) There is no registration fee, but travel and accommodation costs are the responsibility of the participants, except for the invited speakers. We will offer sessions in which presentations will be in Chinese or English. Each participant will be limited to presenting one paper.



The submission deadline is March 15, 2022. Researchers who would like to present their work at the conference are invited to submit their papers by email to: ishine@sjtu.edu.cn. Please indicate "Paper Submission to AICCDS" in the subject line. Notification of paper acceptance will be announced by email to authors before March 31, 2022.


The 5th ICCDS Organizing Committee

Nov. 22, 2021

